

    Someone has access to undocumented hardware functionality in our cell phones.  It's probably important to find out who that is.    That functionality includes the ability to activate the phone in an analog RF mode and emit continuous RF frequencies from the antenna.    What does that allow for?    Any smooth and flat surface in the vicinity allows for vibration due to speech to be encoded in the RF and carried away.  If that's in a person's home or residence then conversation expected to be private might not be.  Good candidate surfaces include: Flat screen LCD or OLED TV Laptop screen Phone screen    It only takes another antenna nearby to receive the signal and decode the speech occurring near the RF source.    What's the best part of this?    It supposedly doesn't violate anyone's privacy.    How is that possible?    Because nothing was placed into a person's home or residence to accomplish any of it.    It was their own cell phone, their own TV, thei


[ NOTE : Have added a link to Instructions for building a " Thrall Blocker".  It's freely available for anyone to build for oneself.  If you wish to take building them further please contact me and I'll get you to the person who owns those rights.  I don't profit or benefit from that.  If the person who owns the rights buys me a dinner with revenue from it then I'll remove the word "benefit".]    I've decided to put my phone to bed when not in use.  Time for it to chill .    It wasn't a tough decision.    Just a necessary one.    The tinnitus it was causing would be enough on its own.  But I really don't like it used to cause something that seemed like schizophrenia.  I was hearing voices that weren't there.    How was that done?    Infrasound.    Ultrasound.    A phone can emit either to create the effect.    When it's infrasound the phone needs to be in contact with your body.  Guess what?  I usually keep the phone in my pock


   [Originally posted this on 9/3/2020 at 7:05 pm.  Took it down to planning to finish before re-posting but keeping as the original until that happens]     [Placeholder for a blog post describing how individuals are using some of the same "gang stalking" tactics and techniques (people have gang stalking backwards) to create entrapment situations.  The part that's most interesting is that subliminal and hypnosis techniques are being used to create the entrapment situations using the targets own friends and possibly families]. Saint Louis version of gang stalking link:

Cell phones

    Talk about a modern miracle.  It's a super computer that fits in your pocket.  We can take them everywhere.     Everywhere .    I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few people buy the waterproof versions for they can use them in the tub.  Why not?  You never know when a life or death call might be placed to you.    What if you missed that call?    I have the sneaky suspicion that law enforcement feels the same way about them.    What kind of temptation would there be to take advantage of a device everyone carries?  One that spells out a person's life literally in words and sentences?    What if that temptation wasn't resisted?    If only some justification could be found to tap into it.    Then they'd need a database of some sort to associate and aggregate all the data.  A few filters and search parameters later and cell phones could do an otherwise impossible job on their own.    What's a easy justification to use?    Everyone should know their cell phones ar


    Recently there were quite a few people who must have thought they'd won the lottery.  They had been moved far from their homes and isolated from friends and family.  Supervised and watched they were given tasks and a schedule to follow without question.    Why'd they have reason to think they'd won the lottery ?    Because their isolation was ended.    They were returned home in the relative blink of an eye.    Questions should have been asked about that and answers given.  Except no on knew what questions should be asked.  If they had it's doubtful they would have been so quick to return.    Why do I say that?    Because it was a ruse.    Here's the definition of a ruse:       ruse : an action intended to deceive someone; a trick.    synonyms : ploy ~ stratagem ~ tactic    So what is the situation I've been describing?    Inmates from certain prison institutions were released years before their sentences had been served.  They were allowed to go home and st