
Showing posts from September, 2020


[ NOTE : Have added a link to Instructions for building a " Thrall Blocker".  It's freely available for anyone to build for oneself.  If you wish to take building them further please contact me and I'll get you to the person who owns those rights.  I don't profit or benefit from that.  If the person who owns the rights buys me a dinner with revenue from it then I'll remove the word "benefit".]    I've decided to put my phone to bed when not in use.  Time for it to chill .    It wasn't a tough decision.    Just a necessary one.    The tinnitus it was causing would be enough on its own.  But I really don't like it used to cause something that seemed like schizophrenia.  I was hearing voices that weren't there.    How was that done?    Infrasound.    Ultrasound.    A phone can emit either to create the effect.    When it's infrasound the phone needs to be in contact with your body.  Guess what?  I usually keep the phone in my pock


   [Originally posted this on 9/3/2020 at 7:05 pm.  Took it down to planning to finish before re-posting but keeping as the original until that happens]     [Placeholder for a blog post describing how individuals are using some of the same "gang stalking" tactics and techniques (people have gang stalking backwards) to create entrapment situations.  The part that's most interesting is that subliminal and hypnosis techniques are being used to create the entrapment situations using the targets own friends and possibly families]. Saint Louis version of gang stalking link: